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The first day of demo's is over and everything went well. Tomorrow is the same exersice as today, but with fewer people. There were several VIPs there today, some I knew, some not.
I called and talked to my youngest, she sounds so sad when she says she misses me, it is good to hear, but also hard. 2 more days then home. We did eat a big steak dinner, for having a good demo, but of course i ate too much. Guess I can't skip the gym tomorrow like i had planned.
I was up early today, the fire alarm kept ging off at the hotel, about 8 times. people were running up and down the halls, but they never made us leave, we just stood in the hall, I went back to bed after it stopped the second time.
I did find out what was wrong witht he mattress in the hotel, someone left a whisky bottle under the mattress. An unneeded lump. It was empty, I guess someone wants the next person to dispose of it, who knows why one leaves an empty bottle under the bed.
I called and talked to my youngest, she sounds so sad when she says she misses me, it is good to hear, but also hard. 2 more days then home. We did eat a big steak dinner, for having a good demo, but of course i ate too much. Guess I can't skip the gym tomorrow like i had planned.
I was up early today, the fire alarm kept ging off at the hotel, about 8 times. people were running up and down the halls, but they never made us leave, we just stood in the hall, I went back to bed after it stopped the second time.
I did find out what was wrong witht he mattress in the hotel, someone left a whisky bottle under the mattress. An unneeded lump. It was empty, I guess someone wants the next person to dispose of it, who knows why one leaves an empty bottle under the bed.
what? That's crazy!
Lana, at 1:02 PM
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