Holger Danske

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

that was fun

We were scheduled to fly today, but it turned out to be 2 hours sitting on the runway waiting for hardware/power problems to be resolved. The mission was scrubbed. That means I get to stay here another two days at least. It was so cold in the plane, they had the AC on full. Even in a fly suit I was shivering. I almost pulled out the wool cap from the pocket in my flight suit, but I feared the mocking of the others since it is a silly looking cap with a reservoir end.
So I had the afternoon off, sort of, just on call. I went to the Barone pizza place in Lancaster Lana recommended. Figured she is awesome so the sandwich must be too. It was, but I shouldn't have eaten the peppers they had on the side. I will be paying for that later.
Latest word is the flight is on for the morning, but I won't hold my breath.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

another year older

Yesterday was my birthday again. It was fun to have a day that I didn't have to do anything
if I didn't want to. I did end up working in the yard and an the cabinets ad stuff. We even spent 2 hours in walmart, but that wasn't fun. We did have some kids over for s'mores in the new fire pit, i did enjoy that.
I leave again for Mojave again tomorrow, hopefully for just a few days. I have a water survival traininc class Monday, then test flight Tuesday, then hopefully home that same aftenoon. I am not holding my breath though, things change there often. If I have to spent anymore time away from home I think I will lose it and end up in a white jacket. There was an accident at the airport where we work, and explosion while they where loading rocket fuel into spaceship two. Three were killed,
the work in the hanger two down from us. It is somber there.
When I was back I went with S and two others to bear lake for at he afternoon. I was excited because I was to just ride along, stress free. Of course it turned out I ended up driving my car the whole way and back. I could even participant in the conversation. The rain was so bad the car was hydroplaning and couldn't see anything for at least 30 minutes, very stressful.
men are that we might have joy? I wish I could learn how this works better.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

First flight

Finally had the first flight after weeks of waiting. Everything went well,
no big problems, comm systems worked like we thought.
It was interesting to see this place from the air. The dry lake bed at
Edwards is interesting, along with some of the other things.
It was hot though, stuff kept overheating when we were on the ground.
I am tired of eating out, everything starts to taste like a cheeseburger
from jack in the box, even the salmon I had.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

groundhog day

Back in Mojave for another week of fun.
It feels like groundhog day, still waiting for the plane.
Maybe flying in a few days. It is never comforting when the
manager goes around to those of us on the flight crew and
asks for next of kin information, but it should be OK. I just wish
I would have brought my flight suit, at least it makes me have some comfort.
I will bring it next time. Went to Tehachapi and had ice cream, it was about
the best part of the trip.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

fun in the sun

Spending the weekend in Lancaster. The flight test is going slow and keeps getting moved out. I may go home earlier and then come back again. The family went to the parade today, i like going but it seems like i miss it half the time because of travel. It was over 100 degrees here, but it isnt too bad if you are out of the sun.
I heard Lana was from Lancaster, funny. It is an OK place. There seem to be a lot of new businesses and stuff. There is the biggest Harley place i have seen next to my hotel.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Am in mojave/lancaster this week. It really isnt too bad weather wise. It is
hot but it is dry and breezy. We are running flight tests again, first flight is
Monday or Wednesday, who knows. the plane isnt ready.
I was supposed to come down earlier but it was late then too. At least I was able
to finish putting in most of the rest of the kitchen. The dishwasher, the sink,
the stovetop, oven, microwave and trim, etc is all in. I still have to tile the
floor and backsplash, put in under-counter lights, rewire the outlets/switch for that, and paint,
but at least it is a functioning kitchen. Now if I could only figure out what to do
with all the old stuff. It is on my back deck. It looks like I am a hillbilly with an
outdoor kitchen.
I am working in Mojave and staying in Lancaster. The hotel is brand new and nice there at least.
Mojave hotel last time was bad. Mojave people are funny. There is a jack-in-the box here.
One of the guys i work with ordered a #12 meal. The guy said he didn't know how to make that
one, the manager had to. When he gave back the wrong change, the guy said he didnt know how to fix that, the manager had to come over, he couldnt either. He told us we had to buy something else to get the right change back.