Holger Danske

Monday, October 15, 2007


Went to Disneyland.
My feet hurt

Sunday, September 30, 2007

FAll must be here

Since we got our first snow yesterday, I must be forced to admit summer is over. It went so fast I didn't even notice it. I spent much of March, June, and July, and part of August traveling doing flight tests so a lot of things from "the list" didn't get done this summer. Plus all my spare time is spent working on the kitchen remodel or bathroom remodel. At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those projects.
I am getting ready for another flight test this spring at Nellis AFB and have been very busy, so I guess it will never stop. I am glad we have a few vacations this summer though. Disneyland is in a few weeks, that should be an adventure.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

HSM2 was interesting

I had planned on showing the movie outside on the screen on the side of the house but things fell apart fast. We left the family party w ith an hour to spare, but there was an accident on the freeway so it took over an hour to get home. There were people waiting at our house wondering what was going on. I couldn't find the sound system and it was getting late so we had everyone go down to the basement to watch on the projector down there. It turned out OK, but there were at least 20 people in the room, so it was a bit crowded. It was a good thing because it started raining and lightning outside anyway. It was a bit much for me so I watch psych with M.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The novel

I have been working on a novel for the last week. It is about a group of explorers that journey to the south pole, at least attempt to get there but are stranded by the ice.
I am only through the first few chapters, but it is good so far. the book was a birthday present, I look forward to reading the rest of it soon.
Tonight is the movie party, plus the family party. I will go from work to the family party then rush home to try to figure out how get the movie off the DVR for outside. Maybe I will get lucky and it will rain and we can show it on the projector in the basement. Much easier.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Party at my house.

At least that is what i learned today. We are showing hairspray out side on the projector for the neighborhood next weekend. Good thing I am used to a lot of girls at the house. Hopefully I will have enough of the tile done to facilitate.
We are planning on a trip to yellowstone soon, I haven't been up there for many years. I did like it, I hope it goes well. 4B should be out of school that week so he might come with us also. If he figures out the cell phone may not work there, he may change his mind.
This morning was funny. A police officer came to the house at 9am and asked for 4B. He was asleep so I woke him and told him the police were at the door asking for him. He came up and the officer told him someone found his wallet at the park this morning. He was relieved. He didn't know he lost it even, but I am sure he didn't have any idea why the police would come for him.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

tle daze

Started working on the tile for the kitchen. First part is taking up the old floor, which is pergo over vinyl. What kind of word is vinyl anyway? Pergo was easy, vinyl is hard, but it is so 1987.
Never put down tile this big, 20in tile. S is working hard on it. I got her book Eclipse, she read the whole thing (600+ pages) in 5 hours. H has finished reading it too.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

that was fun

We were scheduled to fly today, but it turned out to be 2 hours sitting on the runway waiting for hardware/power problems to be resolved. The mission was scrubbed. That means I get to stay here another two days at least. It was so cold in the plane, they had the AC on full. Even in a fly suit I was shivering. I almost pulled out the wool cap from the pocket in my flight suit, but I feared the mocking of the others since it is a silly looking cap with a reservoir end.
So I had the afternoon off, sort of, just on call. I went to the Barone pizza place in Lancaster Lana recommended. Figured she is awesome so the sandwich must be too. It was, but I shouldn't have eaten the peppers they had on the side. I will be paying for that later.
Latest word is the flight is on for the morning, but I won't hold my breath.