Holger Danske

Friday, September 22, 2006

lake powell

Was invited to go to lake Powell later, it sounds like fun. It is with several couples from the ward. Not sure how I feel about being "trapped" on a boat for 4 days with people I don't know that well, having to be social and everything. Sometimes I need to be forced to talk to other i suppose, it should be fun.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Went to the Dr. today because my ear has been bothering me for some time. The Jr Dr. looked around and said he needed to get the Dr. , never a good sign. That means i ain't getting out with a bottle of pills to get better. The Dr. came in, looked, and said Mmm, mmm, mmhhmmm, mmhhmmhhmmhm. You need to go to see an EMT right away, we need to get those open.
Appearently he said ENT, a Ear/Nose/throat Dr., I thought i was go to the hospital. So I am going to see another guy tomorrow. Something like a cronic ear infection . The PA just kept saying, Iv'e never seen anything like that before, washed his hands.
I feel like a leaper.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lighten Up

I thought this was funny.

Monday, September 18, 2006



Sorry Lockheed people, they plane is from the lazy B and the program is Northrup-Grumman.
I heard some of our friends from TX may be coming back to visit for a stopever or something. It is always fun, we have had several people come stay over the last few years, it is always fun. Even If I don't show it, or should I say others can't tell. Someone here called me a dedicated intravert, not sure what that means, but i think it means others can't tell when I am having fun or something.

I am cooking M's birthday meal, she asked for fried chicken , mashed potatoes, greens, etc. She only lived in TX for 3 weeks, sheesh.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


It is nice to take it easy on Sunday. I taught my class in church today, the kids seemed to be somewhere else, it was even an interesting lesson, atleast I thought. 4B had a great time playing with his band last night, they played all of the songs he wrote plus a few others, even a an InSync song I have no idea why, I guess they made a ska version. He asked a girl to homecoming a weel ago by taking a giant spool of purple thread I bought at the DI for a few dollars and strung it around her car down the road to the park a few miles and back with notes along the thread ( you can even tell that they used a few miles of thread off the spool). She was at his concert, but hasn't answered him yet, he is getting anxiuos. H got her braces on, she is hurting, and hasn't eaten anything but ravioli, she is starting to smell like a tomato.
Tomorrow is M's bithday, she will be 6, she is very exited. She helded make dessert today, we picked a bunch of peaches and made cobbler.

Here is a picture of the airplane I am working on. You can see the new paint job on the front they did, which set us back a week. It is for a different mission they are also doing.
Can you guess what it is?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Kids Pics

Here is 4B at homcoming.

Here are the girls at a wedding


While I was away the neighborhood had a bit of a fire. It started in a backyard and got out of control. They evacuated snow canyon and fernwood. Wife and kids had to watch from the school and couldnt get home for a while. No houses were burned.
I got to come back home yesterday, it is good to be back. My youngest gave me a very long hug, it was nice, so did the others. It even snowed last night just for me.
It looks like I don't have to go back to NM for another week or so, some others are going this week. Things there are still going OK but slow. I will go back for first flight.
H got her braces on last week, she looks a few years younger, which I like. She thinks she is a grup already. She will be 15 in Feb. The state chaged the law so now kids can get the learners permit at 15. The thought of her driving, I am not ready for that. I still worry about R driving.

R's band is playing at a club in salt lake tonight, it is their first headliner gig. He play is the lead guitar and singer. I went to one once, boy did I feel old and out of place. It was fun though. He is at his first Utah Symphonic band thing at the UoU right now, he will be playing his basson there. Last night he got to play his horn at the Davih High football game, in the rain, band geeks have to tough it out like the football players.
The little kids got outside early today to play in the snow, the 1/4 inch of snow, but it didn't last long. They are spoiled by the big storms in the winter. They out together a play for me, I have yet to see it. It is H and M and Barbies.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

It is so quiet

I am not used to having it so quiet or having so much time to myself and uninteruptted. My attenion span is about 30 minutes, I'm not sure if that is the average time in between interuptions at work, emails, meetings or just the length of a sitcom.
I brought a book but I think I forgot how to read. Maybe later.
The TV has 9/11 coverage everywhere, it is hard to watch sometimes but
am glad people get reminded of what we are dealing with. I get tired of people
saying stupid things about the war on terror, they don't get it, they dont see everything.
I hope some of the work I am doing will help the military folks. It is hard to complain
about being on this trip when it helping out in some way. I hope my family can see it that
way too and not miss me. My brother in law will be gone for over a year, outside the country, it makes these trips seem trivial in comparison. NM is OK, my other option would be in the middle of the Mohave. This is OK. It will be good to start working tomorrow. I like that better than being in the hotel room eating iced oatmeal cookies and watching beverly hillbillies.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

super saturday

Being on travel, I have lots of time on my hands, so I started this blog thing. Not that New Mexico isn't wonderful and exciting... Things seem to move slower here, I am not used to spending 20 minutes in line at McDonalds or at Smith's, it gets annoying. I hope I don't have to be here as long as I am scheduled to be here. The rest of the team should get here next week, at least then I won't have to eat out alone, that gets old quick. I miss the family too.
It is cool to be working where I am though, am get to see things up close, sorry I have to be vague. The hotel has a kitchen and such, so I can eat some real food, and has a exercise room and pool to keep me busy.